Lincoln Park Zoo Lights

This week’s post is all about the Lincoln Park Zoo Lights in Chicago! It was my friend’s 24th birthday party this past weekend, so I went out to the city to go celebrate with her and a few close friends. We hopped on a bus and arrived at the Lincoln Park Zoo. As soon as I got off the bus, I was surprised to see that the normally stark and austere “Lincoln Park Zoo” sign was being completely outshined by a vibrant and colorful light display set up right next to it. The slight stress I had been feeling from the long commute/bus ride into the city instantly melted away and was replaced by a feeling of cheerfulness. For the first time this winter, I felt like it was the holidays.


After seeing all of the beautiful lights, we made our way back to our friend’s place to have a few drinks and celebrate. It’s a quaint, cozy apartment in the heart of the north side. We busted open a bottle of champagne, and my friend said she always mixes it with pineapple juice instead of orange juice. It was a game changer - if you are a fan of pineapple juice, definitely give it a try. After a few mimosas and some good conversation, my friend asked if I could take a few pictures of her and her fiance. She wanted a few in front of their “dinky” (I think the right word is “adorable”) Christmas tree. We got a ton of great shots. Zeppelin, their long-haired cat, decided to jump in for a few of the photos as well, and I couldn’t resist taking a few extra shots of her in all of her fluffy glory. Overall, it was a fantastic night spent with good company and declicious mimosas!

Happy holidays everyone!!