8 Things You Need To Know Before Doing A First Look


A first look allows you both to have intimate time together on your wedding day. With all of the craziness happening on your day together, and all of the different people there to celebrate with you, sometimes it’s hard to get just that one-on-one time together away from the celebration. This is the perfect way to see each other for the first time, be emotional together, and maybe even share some hand-written vows or love notes with each other. I find that doing a first look captures some of the most beautiful and emotional photographs of the entire day!


What is a first look?

A first look is a set-aside time (around 30 minutes or more) for the two of you to see each other in private for the first time. It will usually just be the bride, groom, photographer and videographer there to capture the moment. Typically, the groom is facing away, and the bride will slowly walk up behind him, tap him on the shoulder, and he will turn around. Then we capture the adorable reactions! If there’s extra time here, we can get a few of the bride & groom portraits done, and even the bridal party portraits afterward.


Here’s a few ways to make the most out of your first look:

  • Make a small gift or love note for each other. This could be a set of cuff links for your groom, or emotional letters to each other that you want to share in private. Sometimes couples prepare vows for the first look that are more intimate and personal, and a separate set of vows for the ceremony to share with friends and family.

  • Set aside at least 30 minutes for the first look. Usually a first look with only take around 15-20 minutes, but it always takes time to set both of you up and make sure that the groom is at the location first and doesn’t see the bride, etc. Once you have both seen each other for the first time, it’s always great to get the reaction photos, and then a few extras as you chat together.

  • These photographs don’t always replace the bride & groom session. The first look is typically capturing candids of you both as you see each other and talk to each other for the first time on your wedding day. We capture the smiles, the tears, and emotions between you two. While we will be doing some of the bride & groom portraits at this time, we’ll usually still need time to capture those posed shots of you two during golden hour light! One exception to this would be if you would like to have all of the bride & groom photographs taken prior to the ceremony (especially if you are having a winter wedding with limited natural light).

  • Incorporate some props! Blindfolds are great for some cute photos, and it also makes it a little easier to position the groom so he doesn’t catch a glance of the bride on accident.

  • Leave your stuff with the girls (and guys). You’ll want your hands to be free during the first look so you can hug and kiss each other without any distractions. Nothing is romantic about fumbling with your phone or purse during an emotional moment like this.

  • Don’t be too in your head about being photographed. If you’re camera shy and nervous about having your picture taken during a vulnerable and intimate moment like a first look, let me know ahead of time! I can always work around that, for example by using a zoom lens and staying out of your way as you two enjoy your time together.

  • Bring extra tissues! Trust me on this one. Seeing the love of your life on your wedding day for the first time can be pretty emotional - in a really good way! Plus, I often see the grooms shed a tear or two, so it’s a good idea to have some just in case.

  • What if you love the idea of a first look but want to keep it traditional? First looks don’t always have to be bride & groom! The bride can have a first look with her dad, or the bride can also do a first look with all of her bridesmaids! These can be equally as emotional, and this way you can save your first look as husband and wife for walking down the aisle.

A first look can be really beautiful on a wedding day, but you don’t have to do one if you’re not about it. It’s all about preference; it’s your wedding day, and it should be exactly what you two want it to be. The most important thing is that you and your soon-to-be-spouse enjoy the day with each other and cherish each moment together.
